Active Shooter Preparedness
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, there were 277 active shooter incidents between the years 2000 and 2018. These incidents occurred in 40 out of 50 states and in the District of Columbia, resulting in 884 deaths and 1546 injuries. Nearly 44% occurred in businesses, and 21% in places of education. What happens when an armed intruder finds their way into your business?
This program from Sorensen, Wilder & Associates will prepare your team to:
Create a state of preparedness. Is your workplace ready for the unforeseen emergency, whether it be environmental, accidental or hostile? Does your Emergency Operations Plan cover all it needs to cover?
Define critical terminology and concepts specific to armed shooter/active intruder within your workplace. Specifically, is the event a focused and limited single-target event or a broad, facility-wide continuous event? It is vital for your team to understand how one type of incident can morph into another.
Review a case study and discuss the unforeseen challenges that the event can generate that could adversely affect the safety of your employees and customers, and the performance of staff and operational state of your company.
Learn how your staff can protect themselves during the commission of an active shooter event within the facility by utilizing ‘The 4 Outs’ of the Active Shooter Safety Action Plan.
Understand the increased stress and anxieties that go hand-in-hand with an armed intruder event and how to control those anxieties and stress through preparation and training. Understanding the critical decision making process and the psychology behind it.
Refine decision making skills in order to increase the likelihood of survival of both employees and customers during an active shooter event.
Learn the S.T.A.F. Protocol, to assist in making the critical decision between personal safety and the safety of others.
Modern times require modern solutions to security and safety situations.
Unfortunately employees, visitors, customers, vendors and intruders regularly create havoc and disruptions to our business. SWA has the experience operational experts to help you prevent, prapare, mitigate, and recover from dangerous situations and deadly disasters.